Manhattan 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Six Feet Under

'When death is your business...'

So begins my latest guilty pleasure: Six Feet Under. Given that I much prefer watching marathons to weekly serials (Project Runway excluded, of course), I've found Netflix to be my friend. I recently started Six Feet Under and have also found myself trying to stay disciplined enough to eat, drink and sleep instead of being glued to the unfolding drama of the Fisher family. From quirky Ruth to troubled Brenda, conflicted David to prodigal Nate, I'm wholly wrapped up in the writing, the characters, the relationships. I can't help myself.

So, the question is this: is it wrong to prefer the show to say... breath itself?

The answer is this: it's been incredibly 'convenient' to have been sick this week. It prevents me from running myself down even further and what do you know, I've been staying in and am already on to the second season. Shame. :)


  • Love, love, LOVE Six Feet Under! And I totally see you loving it too. It has the best series finale EVER. I'm glad we share excellent taste in television.

    By Blogger Maureen, at 5:39 PM  

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