Manhattan 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Boise, ID

So much for my orthopedic appointment. They gave my appointment to someone else given that they didn't hear from me on Friday to confirm. Never mind that my cell phone went dead without my charger that got lost flying West from Boston. No doctor for me this trip -- dag-NABBIT!

I spent the morning and afternoon working, with lunch with my cousin Tracy in place of what was to be the doctor visit. We enjoyed Square -- a crepe restaurant in downtown Boise that turns out to be the sole creperie in the state of Idaho.

As an ode to Dan Kirkwood, I grilled Halibut Steaks tonight for Pat, Donna, Christine, Tracy, Jason and Geoff. Good stuff. My parents got in late -- we chatted for a few minutes and are now in our corners of the home closing up shop for the night.

I have to admit, Boise does something funny to my head. Whenever I'm here, something inside tells me that I could live here. WHAT? I know! Have I lost my mind? But I'll tell you this -- Boise is affordable, growing, vibrant, capturing a metropolitan feel, full of outdoor adventure and opportunity, dog-friendly, within 70 minutes of Seattle and Portland. I drive through neighborhoods and picture my life with a large home, nice car, dog. Then the record scratches and I realize that that dream may never have been meant for me. It's the strangest process, but recurs every time I'm here. This could be me -- No, there's no way this could.

For now, I'll enjoy the silence and wait for that record to start playing again and when it will suddenly hit that scratch I can only call reality.


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