Manhattan 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Goodbye Party

After work yesterday, a bunch of us went to Whiskey River for a team-building Happy Hour. The hour turned into many hours and much fun over beer pong and mexican food.

From there, a handful of folks crashed Chad Grosbe's Going Away party! It was good to see a bunch of the old guard AARF folks, including AJ, Morgan, Kristina, Emily, Brian, Livia and Chad, of course. I was doing pretty well until the good byes which included two back-to-back tequila shots on the way out the door. Thank goodness for convenient transportation and a memorized route home from the subway!

I will say this, however, it was the first night I've slept through in months and months. Ahhhh.

Last night was a bit of a farewell party of my own... I leave for Seattle this afternoon. WOO HOO!


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