Manhattan 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Summer in Manhattan

And so says fare-thee-well the weekend of July 8-9, 2006. Before I confirm another word however...


Little Vincent Anthony Williams was born Friday morning, 7.7.2006 at 8:08AM. I can't do the announcement justice, so I'll let Shawn himself share the news:

"Hi Everyone!! Our beautiful boy, Vincent Anthony Williams, was born July 7 at 8:08am. It was amazing and slightly gory. Donna and son are doing well; I'm still in shock. It is a dream come true to be a dad... Thank you for all your best wishes. From, BIG DADDY!!!!"

Congratulations Williams'! And welcome Vincent!


The weekend was a lazy one -- no shopping adventures to report this time. However, I had some pretty awesome adventures nonetheless...

Michele Little invited me to a co-worker's family BBQ in the heart of Harlem @ Morningside Park. The place was PACKED. There must have been 50 various families having birthday parties, family celebrations, excuses to enjoy the outdoors. It was a cultural experience to be sure and I learned a lot about the history of Harlem and it's community. Michele & Gary and I were welcomed with open arms and completely take care of throughout the day. What a treat to be able to experience my first cookout in New York and to have it be in such a memorable way.

On our way to the subway from the BBQ, I saw my first firefly! Yes, while not a fan of creepy crawly things in any way, I couldn't help but me mesmerized by them. I'm still shocked that I've never seen one in my day, and they were awesome. We also befriended two boys who caught a few for me to hold. They also offered to catch me a rat, but I said I was good with the fireflies. Thanks anyways, guys. I'm good. Really.

I spent the majority of the day today relaxing in Central Park. I went for the sun and enjoyed watching the pulse of the Park. Again, it's something to see. I also decided to speedwalk the JackieO. Resevoir (see photo series below) to get in some exercise, and ended up exploring the entire northern half of the park, including the Dana Discovery Center (where a steel drum band was holding court), the Conservatory Garden (with its stunning flora and fountains), and the tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts throughout the park. I also stayed to watch a few ultimate frisbee games in the East Meadow.

All in all, a peaceful and very NYC weekend. I'm looking forward to the work week because this means that as of tomorrow, JesseP will be in NYC in only seven days!

In the meantime, I leave you with my view from the NW edge of the Jacqueline Onassis Resevoir, looking from the NE corner of central park to the West Side, moving from top to bottom. Enjoy!


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