Manhattan 2006

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth!

It's Independence Day 2006 -- and that's just how I'm feeling: independent.

It was a lazy day for the most part, but I caught 'X-Men III: The Last Stand' with the Littles (look -- a theme! That's a movie about independence as well). I tried to put the finishing touches on my Territory Plan for work, but still have some work to do on it that will have to be done tomorrow in the office.

Tonight we also ventured out to the East River to catch the fireworks over Roosevelt Island (photo above). Everyone left in Manhattan had the same idea; there were throngs of people. I didn't think it was so hot, but now that I'm home, I feel incredibly sticky. For the record, it's after 11PM and it's still 80 degrees.

A couple of things on my mind... thanks for the call Laura; I was at the movie, but it was good to hear your voice!... Wilson was able to sell my car! Thanks Wil! That's no longer an unresolved issue and feels great! Now that I'm car-free, does this mean I'm officially a New Yorker?... I opened a new bank account so that I can actually use ATMs out here. WOO HOO!

So, all in all, it's been a good few days: restful (two naps in the past four days!), anticipatory (Jesse's here in less than two weeks!), suspicious (John & Amy have me totally stumped!), independent.

My goals for this week are to have an outstanding Territory Plan meeting, to have a volleyball try-out tomorrow night that I'm proud of, and to take care of the important details at work and at home.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

p.s. I realize today is the day that the U.S. declared its Independence from England's rule, but does anyone find it ironic that the Indians clubbed the Yankees 19-1 tonight?


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