Manhattan 2006

Thursday, July 20, 2006

JP in NYC -- Day Three

We slept in some Wednesday morning, enjoyed The New Amity Cafe for breakfast -- and actually caught the Good Morning Menu (!), and then caught the train to the Bronx... to Yankee Stadium!

Even better, we got to see the Yankees play the Seattle Mariners and we got to see the M's win a close -- and good -- baseball game. Gary & Michele Little joined us for the day and then took us to Stan's Sports Bar after to wait out the subway rush.

The four of us then enjoyed Mario Kart Challenges. Not to boast, but I did earn the most First Place finishes, but Jesse had enough Second Place finishes to be named the overall Champion of the afternoon. We then enjoyed Noodles on 28 -- a Steve Weinrich-recommended restaurant near my apartment.

Finally, Jesse joined Ari Gold, my men's volleyball team, on our first outing of the season. We went 2-1 after a pretty ugly start and dominant finish. It just took some time to get the team on the same page never having played before. We then went out to Ship of Fools, a place on my list of locales to show JP, but instead got to enjoy it with several guys from the team.

And you thought the night was done, huh? OH NO. We toasted to the homies and specifically to John Weaver, we enjoyed Todd Moore Chocolate Martinis and even more rounds of Mario Kart (none of which I won, for the record).

It's now 1:30 on Thursday. Jesse has already conquered the Metropolitan Museum of Art and I went to the office and am now working from home (OK, so now I'm blogging) while he is crashed out on the couch. Good times. We're off soon though for afternoon adventures and to prepare for JP's final night in NYC.

Final night... such strong words!


  • Great shirt you have on Mr. Todd Moore!! Forshadowing perhaps....?

    By Blogger Matt Weaver, at 2:47 PM  

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