Manhattan 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

JP in NYC -- Day One

Guess who made it?!
Jesse's in New York!!

His words can do his perspective much better justice than mine ever could, but I will tell you this: I couldn't be more excited to have Jesse in Manhattan! I met JP at my apartment where I captured him emerging from his first NYC cab. From there, we got him settled in my place and hit the town. OK, so I had to go back to work, but we had lunch at YeYe Alaturka -- a little Mediterranean joint near my office, captured Jesse with the Empire State Building, and sent him downtown.

Armed with a map, Jesse dominated the city! He walked from Union Square down to Battery Park, through Greenwich Village and Soho, around Wall Street, and up to the World Trade Center site. By the time I caught up with him, he'd pretty much seen all the highlights of downtown. Impressive altogether. Made moreso by the fact that yesterday was 98 degrees (indexed to 103 with humidity).

Together, Jesse and I walked out on the Brooklyn Bridge, back up through Soho and Greenwich Village, stopped at Washington Square Park for a couple of shots with the Washington Arch, and enjoyed an air-conditioned pub nearby for a few frosty cold ones.

We then trekked back home, cleaned up, and joined Gary & Michele and Jim & Amy for Fajita Monday! at Cilantro. After another delicious dining and drinking extravaganza, we challenged one another and our own dexterity with Mario Kart (I won the first Grand Prix!!), and hit the hay. And when I say hit the hay, I mean hit A WALL. JP crashed HARD -- just like the way he went about conquering NYC.

We've already started the day with breakfast at Eisenberg's, trekked through Madison Square Park to get cool vantages of the Flatiron Building, and to check out some of the action at the MSP Dog Run. I left Jesse heading north on Broadway to Times Square/Rockefeller Plaza.

A so begins Day Two!!


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