Manhattan 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friday Night Divine

JW's first full day in NYC was one for the ages! Sadly, I had to work throughout the day, but we did start it off with shots of fresh squeezed OJ at The New Amity Cafe. JW secured the requisite ESB photo from my office before hitting the streets of Manhattan. His day included a work trip to the NFL Offices, adventures @ AIGA, Battery Park City, and Wall Street, and a trek across the Brooklyn Bridge. John actually retraced many of the steps from Jesse's July visit.

We then made our way to Williamsburg and the Brooklyn Brewery, where Charles and I two weeks ago and a pack of us earlier this summer enjoyed frosty beers straight from the spring, more or less. (Oh, and I also slaughtered John at Barnyard for those fans keeping score at home.) We also visited MyMoon to see Leeza again and to enjoy some heavenly comfort from the makers of Petrone (we also learned that Leeza is on Day #78 of sobriety and needed us to visit -- chin up, Leeza!).

So, avid reader. You're thinking, 'What an awesome sounding night! This brewery and MyMoon place sound pretty darn awesome. How fun that you've gotten to enjoy them with friends Sally, Charles and now John.' Well, yes, avid reader, all true. However, on this particular night, the fun had just begun!

John and I made a mad dash back to Manhattan and Times Square where the suprise of all suprises awaited: Air Supply!

We joined a table of rabid Air Supply fans and 'Made Love Out of Nothing at All' all night long. It was Meloney first show EVER; she and Simone originally sat quietly at one end of the table. Steve & Kathy were on a date at the other end, also sitting quietly. Andrea turned out to be on her own, and also sat quietly. But, oh, avid reader, there was no sitting quietly for anyone once John and I arrived! We turned the table into the happening place to be at B.B.King's!

Russell One (R1) and Russell Two (R2) rocked the house! Andrea and R1 had many moments -- with Andrea running frantically to and from the table trying to figure out what to do once they hugged during 'Here I Am'. Talk about hilarious! R1 also made it to our table and kissed Kathy on the cheek. Sadly, we didn't have our wits about us to capture that moment on film for her. As you can imagine, Table #66 (our self-assigned table number and gang name) was in a tizzy!

I had Air Supply planned once I knew the dates JW would be in town. I was actually worried that he might think it ho-hum, but when he saw the marquee down 42nd street as we neared B.B.King's, he shrieked with joy, clapped like a teen, and begged me to confirm we were seeing them live. SURE ENOUGH!

The night turned out to be an 11 altogether. I can't think of a more fun way to have spent John's first Friday night in NYC!! More adventures to come soon!


  • air supply is sent straight from heaven...

    By Blogger Maureen, at 2:32 PM  

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