Manhattan 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Brithday, C-Ennis!

For Charles’ 2006 Birthday, we got him to New York City for his first vacation in a long time. He arrived on Tuesday night and we started his NYC adventure by joining my fellow DRIVE folks from Seattle at Desmond’s (see previous post). After giving Jason a run for his money at Buck Hunter, Charles and I then mapped out his Manhattan itinerary. And, of course, no Manhattan Adventure would be complete without a CrashOut shot at my place!

Charles was Mr.NYC all day Wednesday and took in as many sights as possible throughout the city. Importantly, however, Charles took in Century 21 and Filene’s Basement and scored some awesome finds. We met up later in the afternoon for the AARF Happy Hour @ Aspen where we could only stay for a bit because of the show tickets we had for Wednesday night: Kasabian + Mew at Webster Hall!

After enjoying crack-marinated short ribs from Saigon Grill, Kasabian rocked us and the heavily-British house. The best part of the show was the music and energy, but a fave for me was the crazy likeness of the Kasabian lead singer to Hugh Grant’s wacky roommate in ‘Notting Hill’. Could have been the shag British haircut, the size-too-small t-shirt exposing his paunch every time he lifted his arms, or simply me subliminally playing the Celebrity Look-Alike Game. Whatever the reason, the guy was Spike in the flesh.

Charles enjoyed SoHo on Thursday while I worked. We met for lunch – at which time, he expressed, ‘I’d love to have a quality star sighting while I’m here.’ Not 60-minutes later, his prayer was answered as Mike Meyers passed us on Spring Street. Yes, that Mike Meyers. Quality Star Sighting for sure!

Charles met Elphaba and Glinda at the Gershwin Theatre Thursday night while I was at volleyball. The night wouldn’t have been complete with a full download after the show, so we headed out to Cilantro for an 11:30PM Fajita/Margarita/drunken adventure.

Friday night – A BALL! Charles took on the town during the day and after I got off work, we headed out to Williamsburg to the Brooklyn Brewery. After downing the largest pie slices you’ve ever seen, we hit the Brewery in what would be the start of another awesome Friday night out of Manhattan. Charles and I secured a picnic table and were quickly joined by a fun party of four who used our second deck of cards and with whom we drunkenly bonded for the rest of the evening. Sadly, no photos were captured of our new friends… and no names remembered. We do remember, however, that Charles managed to slam their New Balance shoes and they still bought us beer!

After the Brewery, I took Charles to my favorite place on the planet: MyMoon. As the birthday celebration continued, we were introduced to Patrone espresso-flavored tequila and quickly tipped back two shots in honor of 9.15.2006. We agreed that the second one was in honor of Aiden Francis Grieb – there’s always a good reason for a pair of shots, I say!

We said farewell to Brooklyn and hit Orchid Lounge on the Lower East Side to meet Charles’ friend Dinah from Law School, her husband and a couple of his friends. We could have continued our string of fun and adult beverages in the LES, but I just had to take the gang to Pop Burger in Chelsea! If you come to New York and the Pop Burger option doesn’t come up, know that I have done something terribly wrong. It’s the equivalent of Dick’s in Seattle – an institution worth visiting, if not for the sliders and cool ambiance, then for the swank lounge and built-in video booth behind its façade.

Charles and I did the UES bagel thing Saturday morning before we trekking to the World Trade Center site. Even for a Saturday, the place wasn’t overwhelmingly busy and we were affording ample time to reflect. This is my fourth or fifth time at the site and it’s still just as moving as the first. That said, however, I realize that all of me wants there to be healing there – and construction. I feel the site will be more impactful with statements of regrowth through rebuilding. Five years later and we’re still looking at a construction site. I’m looking forward to a memorial – and to what they have in store for it.

We also ventured into the heart of Chelsea to Billy’s Bakery – a locale that Dinah had wanted to check out for their famous cupcakes and ambiance. It was a charming treat and a great way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon with friends. More sun and yet another great way to spend a Saturday was with a stroll through Central Park. Charles and I decided to walk through the park to get home such that he could get some time and several mid-town vantages from one of the most famous Commons in the world.

Sunday morning was yet another slow one, but started off in the West Village at Cafeteria. We said hello to Dylan McDermott and farewell to Dinah and Jeff there, only to return to my place to send Charles on his way as well.

As has been every visit from a Seattle friend, it was a great week! I’m already looking forward to Charles returning – as he is for another round of Pop Burger! Happy Birthday, dear friend!!


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