Manhattan 2006

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Day of Fun!

My dear friends John & Amy have been sending me clues over the course of the past few weeks in preparation of our Day of Fun scheduled for this coming Friday in Seattle. The final clue arrived today... given that it was a full itinerary plus a CD titled, "Songs Todd Moore Should Be Prepared to Belt Out 7/28/06", I am now in the know... we're meeting Pete Yorn at Easy Street Records and taking in his show at the Crocodile Cafe!

Clue #1: Card -- Dog as Elvis
Clue #2: Movie -- Shrek 2
Clue #3: Card -- JWDesign-Postcard with Haiku
Clue #4: Card -- Pete Yorn Mixed CD
Clue #5: CD -- Full Day of Fun Itinerary

So, having just had the month of clues from John & Amy, the week of NYC and life adventures with Jesse, and a casual night at Blue Smoke and Pirates of the Carribean with Gary & Michele, I'm feeling incredibly lucky... and smell a new Haiku...

I cannot believe
I have the friends that I do.
You honor me so.


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