Manhattan 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

No Fighting! No Puking! ($80 fee)

Once again, we ventured to our local after-work watering hole for some much-needed inter-divisional bonding (translation: get hammered at Beer Pong with co-workers!). As a warm-up to our Atlas/DRIVEnyc Holiday party, we headed to Whiskey River and enjoyed a night of colleagues, pizza and Bud Light (can you guess which one makes me fart-y?).

Being the amazing athlete that I am (Thanks, Dad! No offense, Mom.), I was able to hang in there throughout the night. But if you guessed Bud Light to the question above, A) you're right and B) I had my fair share. Seth and Luke turned out to be the hottest Pong team until Scott and I took them out in their fourth match -- good thing, too! And good times all around. It's amazing what a few hours away from the office and some good clean fun can do for waning employee morale.


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