Manhattan 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tea, anyone? Maze?

Happy Friday! I'm back from a quick three-day business trip to Boston. I left early Wednesday morning and returned this afternoon. I had two client meetings Wednesday with a client dinner after (then the 'Project Runway' finale -- about which I'm still irate!). I had one client meeting Thursday, then an industry event last night. I feel great about the trip, professionally, and am again looking forward to the fruit of the meetings and all of the networking.

It was stunning on Wednesday and I got some time after work to walk around Back Bay, Copley Square and the Boston Commons. Boston is a beautiful city altogether, but a total and complete maze! At one point, I was thankful to have taken my Not For Tourists guide such that I could direct my cabbie through Charlestown!

I walked by Trinity Church, though, and caught this perspective of the John Hancock Tower in the background. I have the above photo from my cross-country road trip with friend Jeremy Hendon in 1998. I am pleased to have captured the same vantage digitally and on this trip; it brought back a flood of awesome memories from our 11,000+ mile trek!


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