Manhattan 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

'Tis the Season

That's right. It's November 16 and it is the season! I was in Boston this week for work and greeted by the most decked-out hotel I've ever experienced and a Prudential Center Mall just the same.

Not so many stories from the last post, I have to admit, but several adventures just the same, including a rekindling of the brunch tradition at The New Amity Cafe, english muffin hamburgers at Rathbone's and Monday Night Football with one Gary A. Little, Jr. - a friend with whom I haven't had adventures for some time.

In addition, one of my closest friends of all time was in town this week: Mindy Kessler! I joined her and the Kessler siblings -- Jen and Jake -- for dinner in Park Slope Saturday night at Thai Sky. I was slated to go to the Legendary Shack Shakers and Reverend Horton Heat show, but instead gave my ticket up to one of Jake's friends and got to enjoy some time with Jen trekking back to Manhattan.

I joined Mindy and her friend Elizabeth in Williamsburg for dinner Sunday at Brooklyn favorite, MyMoon. Sadly, Leeza was not there to serve us Petrone Cafe shots, but we were well taken care of all the same! Our evening finished with more chillaxing at one of Mindy's favorite local watering holes and capped off an awesome weekend of great times with great friends.

In addition, cohort and all-around good guy Jason Runge was in town this week and I got to host him at my favorite UES haunts, Noodles28 and Ship of Fools. Gary and Jim Crews also joined us there for Golden Tee and adult beverages. Jason said something that stuck while we were pre-funcing at my apartment: 'You know, there's something about coming to New York and just having a drink on someone's couch; it makes New York normal.' That sings the truth.

You'll also note that I again have a camera! After the Boston debacle and having lost my camera (and photos of the Boston limo adventure!), I have a new camera on which to again document my life here in Manhattan! And, more adventures to come... in Boise, Idaho! I'm off to the the Potato state to spend Thanksgiving with the Moores and to go under the knife and get my shoulder repaired -- WOO HOO!

Ultimately, we're talking Christmas decorations and Thanksgiving travel plans. 'Tis the season, Avid Reader, 'Tis the season!


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