Manhattan 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Let's Rebuild Him!

Well, Avid Reader, I know you've been dying to hear how surgery went and I've been remiss about providing a complate update. I've heard some feedback that surgery and open wounds and spurting blood upset some people, so I'll give you the heads up that no photos will be as gory as any previously posted.

The surgery went well -- or so I'm told. My parents claim we all met with the doctor post-surgery, but I have no recollection. I remember bits and pieces of getting dressed; how the nurse got a t-shirt on me, I'll never know. I also remember her wheeling me out, but that's it. I remember none of the following:

During surgery (non-graphic!)
Inside my shoulder (also non-graphic!)
Post-Surgery in the O.R.
Post-Surgery in Recovery

From what I'm told, they repaired "several" tears, and discovered more damage that they took care of, including shaving a small bone spur, and repairing and scraping scar tissue from the "O-ring" -- I'll find out more on this in a couple of weeks.

So, now I'm back in Manhattan and preparing to head to work tomorrow along with 11MM other New Yorkers. The shoulder traveled well on Saturday, mostly thanks to early boarding and extra room in first class. However, getting from Newark to my apartment was rough even with a roller bag. It probably wasn't a good idea to return to the Big Apple before I can move my arm...

Pain is now minimal at rest, but constant, especially as I start to work to get strength back in the shoulder. Avid Reader, it's the oddest thing to have a non-working limb. I can bend at the elbow such that I can bring my hand nearly chest-level; let's just say it's a good thing I've always brushed my teeth left-handed to begin with! You know I'm all about good dental hygiene!

So bottom line, surgery was a success... but one I may not fully realize to pain-free from this for 6-9 more months. Wish me luck as I continue to 'climb the wall' with my fingers!


  • Omigod! I am soooo glad to hear that your teeth are going to stay super white. Thank God for left-handed teeth brushing.

    Now I just hope this shoulder business doesn't mess up your even tan.

    By Blogger ME, at 7:47 AM  

  • Meagan! How do I get a hold of you? To ring? To send a Christmas card? Do tell!

    By Blogger toddderrick, at 7:26 PM  

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