Manhattan 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Taste of What's to Come!

Happy Sunday, Avid Reader! It's already an awesome weekend here in Manhattan - and specifically so as I've had the opportunity to spend some time with some of my favorite people on the planet: Saskia Galbraith and the Paulsons!

I hosted Saskia Friday night -- the very night that Erin Wirtz and The Captain saved me from a Fright night of despair. The alarm (me) sounded at 10AM and Saskia and I engaged in an epic battle of will. I won and we enjoyed breakfast at The New Amity Cafe by 11AM. We also enjoyed strolling down Madison Avenue doing some Christmas shopping at the likes of Johnathan Adler, EAT and Oilily.

Saskia's friend Brown joined us midway down Madison and their night of fun turned in to an afternoon of pampering as we quickly found a salon on Lexington for pedicures (and manicures and massages for the ladies). Our tradition held and Saskia selected the most outrageous color for my paint -- much to the pleasure of nearly every employee in the salon and to the customers around us with whom we made friends.

OH! And I almost forgot! We had a star sighting after the salon adventure: Andrew McCarthy of late 80s fame in favorites like Pretty in Pink and St.Elmo's Fire! He was walking causually down Lexington with a front-loaded baby. Brown and Saskia noted the little one; I was like, 'HELLO! It was Blane McDonnagh!'!

And then, friends! And then! The Paulsons arrived! After a Todd-like travel day of hell, they made it to my place just after 8PM and we immediately raced out for food. We tackled two birds with one stone by heading to Ship of Fools where we enjoyed chicken wings, adult beverages, the D-I National Volleyball Championship, and a run-in with Santa Clause! Yes, in the flesh (Santa drinks Labat's for all of you on Santa Watch.)!

We then trekked back to my apartment where the first of many Mario Parties took place. While JP may have secured the first game, we all know he's in for a rude awakening as Steph and I get our momentum going!

We're up and at 'em this fine Sunday morning, so I must run for now, Avid Reader. Expect so much more to come over the course of the week!


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