Manhattan 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Paulsons are WICKED!

Well, friends, it is done! I've kept everyone in the dark on the show that the Paulsons and I went to last night and here it is: we saw WICKED!

You may note that I previously saw WICKED with Sally in August -- but this is one that they had on their list of 'desire to see' and I couldn't help myself to a repeat. It's that good; I kid you not! That said, I have a confession:

I failed in my mission to keep it from the Paulsons! Now, you might be thinking, 'of course you failed; you can't keep a secret'. But, au contraire, Avid Reader. I can. Like not telling anyone that Jesse Paulson is secretly addicted to 'America's Next Top Model'. No, you see, these things I keep on the downlow and don't tell a soul. But, as we were sitting at dinner last night at Rue 57, the following conversation transpired:

TM: So, I have a confession to make: We don't have the best tickets in the world, but WE'VE GOT TICKETS!...
JP: So, is this a popular show?
TM: WICKED? Are you kidding me? It's one of the hottest shows on Broadway!!

It just slipped out as naturally as any time I have to defend myself from Jesse's challenges! And I must also confess, it was less of an 'ARGH' and more of a shrieking 'YELP' -- that ultimately turned every head in the restaurant and encouraged the waiter from the next station to approach the table to ensure everything was alright. It might have been that Jesse was doubled over the table and that Steph had fallen from her chair in fits of laughter... or my beet red face covered in the napkin. Hard to tell. Anyhoo, not to blow the story out of proportion, it was really just a moment in time and I'm sure will soon be forgotten.

That said, the show was again a '10' altogether... and starred Ana Gastayer as Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West! Yes, our Saturday Night Live castmate can SING! She was outstanding, as was Kate Reinders as Glinda The Good. Another impactful session on broadway!

After the show, we decompressed at the Paulsons hotel with drinks and cards in the Broadway Lounge overlooking Times Square. We enjoyed the gingerbread houses on display and JP enjoyed his first Captain & Ginger in honor of all of us Captain lovers! Thanks JP!

What's on tap for today, you ask? Well, I'm just not sure! Steph is done with class and they're off having NYC adventures as I type (unless they're still sacked out!)! I'll be joining them later in the evening and we'll see what adventured unfold. More to come. YES! Still more! Can you dig it?!


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