Manhattan 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006

Making Travel Drama Work For You, Part I

My return trip from Boise to Newark was supposed to be uneventful. However Avid Reader, if there’s one theme you should have picked up from reading my blog of late, it’s that in the "Rock-Paper-Scissors" game of "Mother Nature-Airplane-Todd Moore", I never win.

My trip home was to be an uneventful leg from Boise to Seattle, with a connecting flight to Newark. The Boise flight was delayed due to fog in Seattle and right as we prepared to board, they found something caddywampus with the airplane itself. Good times indeed! I ultimately missed my flight to Newark – and though they offered a red-eye that night, I said, “No Way, Jose!” (I probably said, “No Way in Hell!”, but we all know this blog is rated PG). I decided to forego the 8AM Thursday morning flight to the East Coast, arriving at 6PM as I would have lost an entire day of work, and booked the afternoon flight. This timing would allow me to work some in the morning from the Seattle office and travel on my own time.

So, I got to enjoy Wednesday night in Seattle – more friend time! I bussed from Sea-Tac to downtown Seattle where I met friend Charles Newton and started on a night of Seattle adventures – starting with drinks at Joey’s with Charles and friend Tim Grieb. From there, we visited the progress on the Pidduck home, and had more drinks and dinner with Michael Pidduck and Jesse Paulson at Pacific Inn – one of the dive bars that will quickly become a favorite with Seattle’s new(ish) no smoking laws. Love that! Although it felt like we were out until 3AM, we crashed hard for the night at 10PM (would you believe me if I said I was still on East Coast time?).

I got to spend another morning in the DRIVE Seattle office on Thursday, then packed it in and headed to the airport for my return flight to New York.

Or did I?!


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