Manhattan 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

CarneFest 2007

With several of my DRIVE teammates in town from Seattle for meetings, we met up last night at Sparks Steakhouse in Midtown for CarneFest 2007! As with any DRIVE outing, the night turned into one of one story after another and hours of laughter... seriously, the best ab workout ever (if it weren't for the HUGE meal!)!!

JRunge brought his beard; Liberty provided much art direction -- in light of being whomped up side of the head at one point in the bar yet still capturing the moment! Saskia enjoyed a number of hair-dos and Chris enjoyed the whole night. Daniela was all giggles and our Revenue team (Michael and Luda) was confused as all get-out that this group of people actually runs a business!

It turns out that Sparks is one of the most popular and highest rated steak joints in New York, but save the food, I'd recommend any number of other restaurants in the same price bracket with equal food and significantly better service. I swear to you, if I have to ask an establishment for water one more time... :o)

However, an awesome night altogether -- and full of good times had by all! With all of last night's training, bring on the Holiday Party, I say! Bring It On!


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