Manhattan 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

And So It Ends...

It is indeed the last day of the year -- a time, of course, when I get incredibly reflective of the year and its significance in my life. Without boring you with all of the highlights to date, note that this blog certainly counts!

I've had some excellent adventures of late, including an excellent night out with John & Amy at Tini Bigs in downtown Seattle. It was our first opportunity to hang out and really relax together while I've been in town -- something that I've really looked forward to since I arrived. JW and I enjoyed awesome chocolate martinis while Amy decided that she wanted something more exotic: a Jell-O martini!

I also enjoyed an outstanding morning in populous Duvall, Washington with my dear friend Meagan Elliot. I got to see her new home -- on Kennedy Place no less! What a wonderfully freshly mauve home -- with all of Meagan's charming touches. We brunched at the Duvall Bar & Grill and DCBombed throughout the morning... which was capped by more DCBombing at her home after while we fumed. How I love knowing I got to cap the year with a morning with long-time friend Meagan Elliot. Here's to your 2007, dear friend!

In addition, Avid Reader, I have MORE news to share... I bought a new car! Professional car shopper and good friend Wilson Wong and I visited the Mini dealship in Fife yesterday and realized that a Mini was not to be (8-10 month wait list!). Wil believed that I would fall in love with the VW GTI -- and I did! I left the lot last night with my newest treasure -- a new car! That's right, Bob! Tell Todd what he's won! Ultimately, what this means, Avid Reader is that this guy right here is on his way home. It's official.

As is the end of 2006. I hope that as you look back on the year, you're focusing on the adventures that made it so great for you. I similarly hope the challenges have made you a better person -- as mine have made me. I look forward to sharing more adventures with you... in 2007! Happy New Year!!


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