Manhattan 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

29 Hours Later...

Good evening, Avid Reader! I rushed home from the day's adventures such that I could update you on 'Paulsons Take Manhattan Week' -- the hottest show in the land!

We left you yesterday debarking on a fine Sunday adventure... which included brunch at fan fave, New Amity Cafe, and an afternoon in the Met. The three of us toured the Egyptian wing, enjoyed the Temple of Dendur (but come on, who doesn't?!), and America art. We enjoyed a bit of a Picasso Scavenger Hunt as Jesse enjoyed seeing his different styles and mediums.

We parted ways mid-afternoon as they checked in to their hotel and met up again for dinner at Blue Smoke, another fan fave. After dinner, we conquered NYC on foot -- and basically had to with the amount of food we packed in (though Charles, I learned from our visit and ate about 1/2 as much as that go!). We walked around Madison Square Park, up Broadway to Macy's and on to Times Square -- where we hooked up with Jeffrey and other holiday retail characters! We then caught a nightcap before retiring for today's adventures!

Steph attended a conference today for work, and Jesse and I hit Eisenberg's for breakfast, then trained out to Coney Island! The amusement park was closed, naturally, but what a treat to be there! We walked up and down the Boardwalk from the pier to Brighton Beach, then enjoyed lunch at Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs stand and enjoyed the biggest Killian's Reds you've ever seen!

After lunch, we meandered back to the boardwalk where I took a conference call for work and JP contemplated additional plans for the week. While he was waiting for me to finish, however, he realized he left his new stylish man-bag (Merry Christmas, Jesse!) at Nathan's! So, we got to go back though, alas, not for large Killians' again!

He and Steph are enjoying dinner tonight, then we're meeting up later for mellow adventures on the Upper East Side, if not right here in my apartment! SO many stories already, Avid Reader! It's only been 48 hours and we get SO much more time together! WOO HOO!


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